I finshed piecing the "Listeners" hanging and was looking forward to stitching it today - but ha! a power cut and it was a very dark murky day here so not much light either. I gave up and took a couple of paintings to the picture framers.
I went to two brilliant exhibtions recently. One was at Lypiatt Park, near Stroud and was an exhibition of Lynn Chadwick's wonderful sculptures in a most beautiful setting. I particularly liked the figurative bronze sculptures, but the light catching the shiny metal of the crouching beasts has also given me some ideas. The other exhibition was a retrospective of Tony Meeuvissen's work at The Museum in the Park, Stroud. We have known Tony for thirty years and are lucky to own some of his " roughs". If anyone does read this blog, do visit it. I walked round looking at the gems of illustrations and just grinned - the work is so witty.
I couldn't resist a little picture of a nuthatch - it is delightful. I have been watching a nuthatch on the hazel, through my bedroom window. When it is back from the framers I will put a picture on the blog.
In the meantime here is a photo of one of Lynn Chadwick's sculptures and my pieced but not stitched hanging.