Sunday, 22 November 2009


Appliqued, drawn and stitched lichen fragments.

More pieces for exhibition

This piece was started as a little gem but I didn't finish it in time. Lichen Stars.

Unfolding Exhibition, Ledbury November 30th - December 5th

Just framed a little lichen study. The original was sketched with oil pastels,scanned and printed on to transfer paper then transferred to fabric and stitched.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Little gem quilt

This little A4 size quilt was made for the Quilter's Guild fundraising tombola at the Festival of Quilts this summer. I wonder who won it.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Lichens on Limestone III

I've just framed this appliqued piece ready for the Ledbury exhibition.


This is the completed wall hanging called "Listen" inspired by Walter De La Mare's well known poem "The Listeners". The fabric has been printed with sericol inks and ink jet computer printing inks. The design is pieced and stitched.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Finishing work

Today I finally finished my dark piece. I have called it "Listen". I have also finished and mounted the appliqued lichen picture. Tomorrow I will take a photo and publish it here.

nuthatch painting by Tony Meeuvissen.

Here is the delightful little painting by Tony Meeuvissen. It looks great in its circular mount. I really like the fading daylight - sunset light in this.